myUnity® Essentials and PDGM

Below is an update on PDGM that can be found natively in your system.

  1. Essentials PPS costing assistant was delivered to clients in v1.2.8.53.  This tool displays projected PDGM reimbursement amounts for any PPS episode currently residing in the user’s database. It also allows for “what if” scenarios regarding reimbursement for various admission source and early/late situations.
  2. Our PPS margin report was altered to display projected PDGM EEP/case mix/LUPA amounts for all selected Medicare patients based on their current or past caseload.  This was also available as of v1.2.8.53.
  3. Multi-period billing within cert-periods will be available in v1.2.8.54 (May delivery).  This includes our built in PDGM grouper, as well as reimbursement calculation, based on admission source and early/late periods.  In essence, clients could bill PDGM periods out of Essentials once they receive the v2.2.8.54 release.


If you have any questions, please contact your client alignment executive.