Healthcare technology for post-acute care and human services providers that improves care and simplifies administration

By Capability

Human services and post-acute care providers throughout the country rely on Netsmart technology and services to help them improve care delivery and streamline administration.

Clinicians in every area of Netsmart drive our understanding of the communities you serve, so we can continue evolving our healthcare technology solutions and services to help meet the challenges you face every day.

In this section

"It is well worth the money to spend time with the experts at Netsmart to review what we use, how we use it, and how we can do better."

Shelly Miller - Chief Financial Officer, Willow Health Care

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From the CareThreads Blog

The Future of EVV
How Flexible Electronic Visit Verification Tech Modernizes IDD Home & Community-Based Services

Wednesday, October 02 | Care Coordination,Human Services,EHR Solutions and Operations

As home and community-based services continue to modernize, the technologies that support them must also advance. For clinicians and home care providers, adopting advanced EVV technology can significantly enhance service delivery.


The Power of AI: Fueling Organizations and Elevating People Part I

Monday, September 30 |

In early 2024, if we’d asked a keynote audience “who’s heard of or used Chat GPT?” less than half the room would have raised a hand. Now, everyone’s hands go up because that's how quickly augmented intelligence (AI) adoption is happening. Why?


3 Uplifting Trends in Suicide Prevention: Hope Prevails

Tuesday, September 24 | Thought Leadership,Cause Connected

As America observes Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the recent progress care providers, counselors and individuals have made in saving the lives of others.
