polito physical therapy
  • Specialized care for a variety of needs including both chronic and acute pain, post-surgical recovery, balance issues and strength building
  • Polito Physical Therapy
  • Pasadena, California
  • Physical therapy practice needed to electronically manage scheduling, patient charts, medical records and documentation
  • Needed an EMR for efficient administration and reflected the workflows and needs of therapists
  • TheraOffice®

Long-time Client Values Ease-of-use and Responsiveness of TheraOffice

Client Spotlight: Polito Physical Therapy

The TheraOffice Impact

  • TheraOffice was chosen as the practice’s electronic medical record (EMR) based on ease-of-use and the Subjective Objective Assessment and Plan (SOAP) note-like workflow
  • Smooth adoption of changing industry standards, such as the transition from ICD-9 to ID-10
  • Integrated scheduling, documentation, accounting and reporting capabilities have contributed to the clinic’s growth and simplified administrative tasks
  • Consistently responsive customer service has led to retaining TheraOffice since 2005

I like how TheraOffice continues to grow. It’s really fantastic. The continued growth combined with the fact that you listen well to us practitioners is amazing. I love that you are always trying to make things easier and better for us to make us more efficient with everything we do.

Steven Polito, MPT, Owner of Polito Physical Therapy