Leverage clinical quality measures

CarePathways Measures Reporting

CarePathways™ Measures Reporting is a web-based platform that has the capability to generate quality measures using the data already inside of the electronic health record (EHR) to automate reporting requirements. Leverage the existing measures reporting library to generate standard metrics for programs such as Meaningful Use and CCBHC, or collaborate to compose measures specific to the value-base care initiatives your organization participates in. Using this data at both the individual and population level allows your organization to review performance from an outcomes management perspective and improve clinical programs to better serve your consumers.



  • Automated event-based extraction from the Netsmart CareRecord
  • Ability to expand outside of NQF-based measures to custom calculations for program requirements
  • Meets all requirements for CCBHC and MU programs for measures components


  • Web-based, real-time measures calculation platform
  • Single sign-on is supported through the application using Netsmart credentials
  • Integrated workflows for data captures with the EHR
  • Ability to drill down into a measure for client detail for inclusion/exclusion criteria
  • Generate CAT file format (Advanced Disk CATalog file) where it is required by the program


For Quality Measure Reporting