Leading the way forward for CCBHCs: Netsmart and National Council Population Health Partnership

There’s the saying: “good things come in twos.” The enhanced partnership between The National Council for Mental Wellbeing and Netsmart is designed to keep more of the goodness – care coordination, population health management, value-based care – moving ahead with better outcomes than ever before.

View this webinar to learn how CCBHCs, health homes and other behavioral health organizations can benefit from this relationship, including:

  • Access to a national CCBHC outcomes and reporting data repository
  • Best practices and stories of CCBHC model transformation
  • Information on the preferred care coordination solution for CCBHCs, CareManager
  • A platform that can help identify gaps in care, including social determinants of health
  • Experts, practices, and technology that support proactive care delivery, improved outcomes and reduced costs
  • Networking and partnership with CCBHCs across the U.S.

View this on-demand webinar with speakers from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, Missouri Behavioral Health Council and Netsmart to understand how the marriage of technology and partnership can help you deliver a more comprehensive range of mental health services while lowering costs across the behavioral health ecosystem.