How Technology Supports Value-Based Care in Home and Community-Based Services

Value-based care models have become solidified in home and community-based care settings (HCBS). As agencies grow their population of patients with value-based care plans, they’re discovering that innovation and optimization are necessary for achieving success. Leveraging technology advancements in automation and data visualizations lead to stronger documentation and better outcomes. On this webinar, we’ll cover how technology transforms your agency and the delivery of value-based care.

Join Michael Puskarich Director, Advisory Consulting at McBee and Ashley Hartwigsen, Director and Community Strategist at Netsmart as they cover:

  • Key differences in managing your agency and value-based care in home and community-based care
  • Common technological hurdles and pitfalls agencies encounter in caring for their value-based care populations
  • Uncover what you need from technology solutions to enable more efficient management, documentation and higher outcomes from value-based care plans