Wednesday, July 07 | EHR Solutions and Operations, Interoperability, Thought Leadership

How Does Physical Therapy Software Help Streamline Patient Care

By Ada Gudex, Senior Director and GM, TheraOffice

Physical therapists face many challenges when managing patient care. One of the most time-consuming tasks is tracking progress and completing documentation efficiently. Today, many physical therapists are turning to software to help streamline their work. There are a variety of physical therapy software options available on the market, each with its own advantages when it comes to providing top notch care to patients.

Clean, Convenient Access to Accurate Patient Data

First, physical therapy software allows providers to keep track of patient information much easier when compared to handwriting everything in paper charts. Every healthcare provider knows the pain associated with piles and piles of papers and files on his or her desk and not being able to find what they need when they need it. Physical therapy EMR software eliminates the need for paper charts and allows providers to search a database with ease when they need to find certain information regarding a patient.

Automated Tracking of Patient Progress

Additionally, many physical therapy software vendors have built in ways to track patient care and progress. For instance, many products have built in alerts and tasks to help keep track of authorizations, prescriptions, plans of care, and more. This automated process can be a game changer for providers as they can quickly see where their patients stand as opposed to manually trying to figure out where they are at in their current plan of care.

Seamless Visit-to-Visit Treatment Visibility

Next, physical therapy software makes it extremely easy to plan out treatment interventions more effectively and monitor patients’ compliance with treatment recommendations. Many products allow providers to create treatment protocols and progressions to allow them to easily manipulate treatments from note to note. Furthermore, they likely have a comparison feature so that a therapist can look at what treatments were performed at previous visits, which can help determine what should be done during the patient’s next visit.

Ease of Data Sharing Through Interoperability

Physical therapy software also makes exchanging data between other providers a breeze. Healthcare interoperability, which is the ability of different medical systems to work together, is essential for ensuring that patients have access to the best possible care. Interoperability allows providers to treat their patients quickly and accurately. There are several ways in which interoperability can be achieved, from standardizing electronic health records so that they can be viewed by multiple systems to developing software that automatically detects and alerts doctors about potential complications in their patients’ cases. Physical therapy software vendors must be committed to interoperability if they want their software to be an industry leader now and into the future.

It’s no secret that physical therapy software is revolutionizing the patient care process. By streamlining patient care, physical therapy software is making the process more efficient, more accurate, and much easier to manage. This, in turn, is improving the overall quality of patient care. For these reasons, it is important for physical therapists to adopt this technology and implement it into their practices.

Meet the Author

Ada Gudex · Senior Director and GM, TheraOffice


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