Tuesday, April 28 | Human Services, Cause Connected, Post-Acute Care

Presenting Healthcare Heroes Their Capes on National Superhero Day

By Netsmart

Leaders across healthcare step up each day to help organizations refine workflows, align team focus and build resilience. They selflessly continue to suit up and show up amid safety concerns to assist individuals in need.

On National Superhero Day, we’re recognizing a few individuals who have proven to use their powers for good. In addition to combatting a common foe, their passion, courage and determination are a few shared characteristics that have earned each a cape.

To their peers, they are known by more than their job title, seen as more than a colleague and will be remembered for more than how they helped manage COVID-19. Continue reading to discover how each healthcare superhero stands out in the impressive lineup below.

Superhero: Tricia Vinson, Wellness Director

Organization: Omega Senior Living, LakePoint Augusta

“Tricia Vinson is truly a superhero! She does whatever it takes to make sure all the needs of our residents and staff are met. She gives the residents their medications, along with big hugs (six feet apart, of course). Right now, everyone is working extra hours and she says she doesn’t mind. She just wants to make sure her residents are feeling the best they can during these times of uncertainty. We all appreciate everything she is willing to do.”

Superheroes: Molly Pomeroy, MS, BCBA, LBA, Vice President of Trellis Center Autism Services and Rebecca Toy, Clinical Director of Lotus Outpatient Clinics

Organization: Kids TLC

“Molly Pomeroy leads the Trellis Center at KidsTLC, our integrative autism services. Rebecca Toy leads the Lotus Clinics at KidsTLC, our specialized mental and behavioral health clinics. Early in the crisis, both programs successfully flipped their program service delivery to in-home and telehealth within 48 hours. Our staff is thrilled to continue providing these essential therapeutic services, while clients and their families are relieved to be able to stay connected and make imperative progress during this challenging time. These two heroes and their staff never skipped a beat. They are amazing!”

Superheroes: Karey Dreiling, Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) and Shari Thompson, Certified Medical Assistant (CMA)

Organization: Omega Senior Living, LakePoint Augusta

“Karey Dreiling never tells anyone where she keeps her cape. We think she tucks it into her scrubs to hide the fact that she truly is a superhero! She doesn’t think twice about all the extra things she does for our residents. ‘It’s all part of the job,’ she’ll say…but it isn’t! The long hours, the extra time given to each resident to assure them they will be okay and her encouraging words to the staff make us all feel a little more upbeat. Karey’s dedication and work ethic is part of what makes LakePoint Augusta a great place to work and live.”

“Shari Thompson has earned the respect of the residents and staff at LakePoint Augusta. No job is too far above or too far below her. If something needs to be done, Shari doesn’t think twice. She just does it. She inspires her co-workers to go the extra mile to ensure things are running smoothly. Day after day, she enters the building with a smile and kind words for everyone she sees. She really is a superhero!”

Superhero: Josie Cupp, Vice President of IT Services and Support

Organization: Personal-Touch Home Care

“Every employee within Personal-Touch Home Care has been impacted either directly or indirectly by Josie. Her team is responsible for the infrastructure of the organization and she is an integral part of Personal-Touch Home Care’s success. Directly on the heels of the crisis, Josie helped mobilize both field and office staff into a virtual remote environment. Her leadership kept us going and we did not skip a beat.

Josie unfailingly displays optimism and a can-do attitude. It is her morale that leads us through, makes us feel we can be successful and has a plan–even when things look bleak. She kept her IT team and external staff on task and on strategy, all while delegating, advising and providing support to associates in need.

She is always willing to plan and resolve, whilst giving advice to all departments and finding resolutions. Josie’s ability to keep everyone focused has definitely come to light during these recent times, Josie is a true leader.”

Superhero: Shannon Sutton, CNA

Organization: Omega Senior Living, LakePoint Augusta

“Shannon Sutton is a little firecracker! Full of energy and positive words, Shannon tirelessly picks up extra shifts, stays late and comes in early to make sure all is well. She takes her job as a CNA seriously. You can tell she loves her residents. ‘They’re like family!’ She uplifts and brightens the heart of every resident she visits. We are lucky to have her at LakePoint Augusta!”

Superhero: Jane Njagi, Director of Nursing

Organization: Omega Senior Living, LakePoint Augusta

“Director of Nursing, Jane Njagi has an infectious smile that keeps everyone at LakePoint Augusta smiling right along with her. She has high expectations for herself and those who work under her direction. She is known as a person who is fair and willing to jump in anywhere if help is needed. ‘We’re here to do a job, and each job is just as important as the next.’ Working with Jane is a delight. She makes her staff feel important and appreciated. We truly appreciate Jane Njagi.”

Superheroes: Christie Underwood, Administrator and Alejandro Nieto, Administrator

Organization: Omega Senior Living, LakePoint Eldorado and Omega Senior Living, LakePoint Wichita

“LakePoint Eldorado Administrator, Christie Underwood is more than an administrator. This superhero has served lunch, cleared dishes, wiped down tables, called BINGO, helped on movie night and even performed on stage with her residents in front of a packed house. All this just because she feels it is the right thing to do. She is always enthusiastic about trying new things. She is a leader among leaders. She is mild-mannered and has a special way of dealing with people that makes each employee and resident feel they are the most important part of the LakePoint family. During these special times, Christie knows no limits. She continues to do what is needed and fills in where there are gaps. She is loved and respected by all her employees, who would say she is more of a superhero than any Marvel character.”

“Administrator Alejandro Nieto of LakePoint Wichita challenges his employees to excel in resident care and employee comradery. He makes us feel like we are family taking care of family. He is always smiling and never lets his staff know the day-to-day stress his job holds. He listens to ideas and works effectively to build cooperation within the team he leads. He sees the usefulness and limitations of himself and others and is skilled in his understanding of others’ viewpoints. He is constantly striving to create an atmosphere in which employees feel free to express themselves. During this time of many unknowns, he has made sure his staff feels they are important and appreciated. We want to buy him a cape when all of this is over! Maybe even an entire Superman suit!”

Superheroes from left to right (back row): Lorenz Herbst, Tim Stenzel, Kim Cannon and Loanna Luna-Hood, Robert Janssen, Terry Asberry, Bea Moore

Organization: Omega Senior Living, LakePoint Eldorado

“This amazing staff keeps LakePoint Eldorado looking like the finished product of a home improvement show. They take great pride in their work and always take extra precautions to ensure the safety of their residents and preserve the beauty of their home. Their work is always spectacular! Drop in any time day or night, and you will see what I mean. They never brag about all the things they do, so it is time someone bragged about them. They are attentive, hard-working, trustworthy and caring. They not only clean our facility, but they also visit with residents to make them feel comfortable. They go the extra mile by asking what special things each resident enjoys or prefers. They also decorate and make props or decorations for all events and holidays. We recognize their superhero talents in every nook and cranny of LakePoint Eldorado.”

Superhero: Bradley Johnson, Purchasing Officer

Organization: Southeast Colorado Hospital District

“Knowing that Bradley is working diligently for our safety lets us continue to care for our community, patients and residents confidently. We can continue to come to work knowing we will have what we need to keep our patients and residents safe. This certainty extends to the families of residents and patients, assuring them that we continue to provide safe care to their loved ones whom they are unable to see due to visitor restrictions.”



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