Extreme Usability: Improving the Workforce Experience

By combining clinical and IT perspectives with a modern, easy-to-use, intuitive user experience, you’re able to drive processes that result in better outcomes and efficiencies. In this OPEN MINDS webinar, you’ll learn how healthcare technology has become a tool to attract, engage and retain staff while maximizing reimbursement and improving care. With end user experience at the forefront, time spent on administrative tasks are dramatically reduced so clinicians can focus on delivering care as well as harnessing the power of the ecosystem around the EHR.

The panel of experts:

  • Cephas Silvera, Chief Information Officer and Health Information Security Officer at JSSA
  • Tera Stallard, Director of Application Support at Integral Care
  • David West, LCSW, LCDC, Associate Director of Integrated Systems of Care at Integral Care
  • Tricia Zerger, Director of Child & Family and Developmental Services at Netsmart

In this webinar, learn how:

  • Digital tools not only enhance clinical care, but improve revenue and compliance simultaneously
  • Organizations are reducing documentation by 50% utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to drive efficiency, productivity, and staff retention
  • Mobile dispatch technology is enabling faster response times and enhancing client and staff satisfaction