Discovering your path to value

Great executives know their business. They know the current state of affairs, including who they are as an organization and how the market impacts their business. They have a vision for the future—where they want to take their organization and how market changes may drive that journey. Especially important in our current environment, the most successful–and sustainable–strategic plans are built to withstand shifts in the market, from participation in a new model of care to adding a new line of service, or even navigating an unexpected crisis.

How can agencies successfully meet these organizational goals while avoiding common barriers to success?

View this on-demand Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Learning Network webinar with Netsmart Director/vCIO Danielle Ross, Discovering Your Path to Value, where Ross dives into how to operationalize your vision, including:

  • How to define your organization’s roadmap to success
  • Core foundational requirements for crisis management planning
  • Considerations when optimizing processes and tools
  • Identifying organizational gaps and best practice solutions