The Data That Moves Us

To be effective, data needs to be stratified, standardized, validated and visualized in ways that support clinicians and help your team make programmatic decisions, analyze collection rates and improve consumer outcomes. Access to actionable data helps healthcare organizations gauge the operational, financial and clinical success of their agency, as well as identify areas for improvement. The right dashboards can remind providers of the role data plays in their ability to enhance care for vulnerable populations and help them in their pursuit of continual quality care improvements.

In this Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Learning Network webinar “The Data That Moves Us,” Outreach Development Corp. Director of Quality and Information, Kelsey Silver, LMFT, discusses how the New York-based behavioral health organization was able to leverage data visualization to better understand their care demographics, financial stability, clinician performance and more. Silver is joined by Netsmart Senior Manager of Data Services & Solutions, Steve Harm, who highlights specific use cases for teams to make steady, measurable progress toward great data literacy and understanding.