Advanced Automation: Optimizing your workforce for satisfaction and success

From Direct Care Providers to administrative staff, workforce shortages and turnover can prevent your organization from providing the best possible care for the individuals you serve. DSPs require specialized skills, from complex healthcare delivery to key administrative tasks including documentation and reporting. These training, documentation and onboarding processes continue to be a major focus and investment for organizations. How can your IDD organization best invest in staff, recruit top talent, and reduce turnover?

Listen as Virginia Gabby, Executive Director of Program Development, Merakey, and Jonah Cunningham, President & CEO, NACBHDD, sit down with Jen Gray, Director of Solution Consulting at Netsmart, to discuss how organizations are improving onboarding processes, streamlining recruitment, and the pivotal role technology plays in IDD workforce management and retention.

Key takeaways:

  • How are Merakey and NACBHDD members addressing the workforce crisis and shortage overall?
  • What can IDD organizations do to support and retain a strong and sustainable workforce?
  • Keeping up with the changes: how can you ensure that your staff’s tools are always sharp?