A+ Care for Addiction (When the World Feels Like It's Earning a D)

Browse any news source and you’ll likely find the word “addiction” hits more than one headline - often with focus on opioids, gaming, alcohol, eating and gambling. While this can be overwhelming, here is some good news: there can be many roads to recovery.

In this on-demand webinar, McLeod Addictive Disease Center and Netsmart share the reality of where addiction treatment stands now, and what practices organizations like yours are doing to combat the crisis. Hear how marrying your plans and providers with technology can take care further and empower pivotal decision-making, compliance, and engagement with those in need. Experience a real-life example of how one organization recognized its population most in need, identified a care path, then aligned tools to improve health and measure impact along the way.

By the webinar’s end, you’ll understand how to bring your A-game to addiction care.

  • Understand which addictions individuals struggle with most right now nationally, including which have become more prevalent since the pandemic.
  • Hear at least two examples of best practices organizations are doing to guide more individuals through to recovery.
  • See how technology and other tools can empower individuals, providers and organizations to make recovery care smarter and/or faster.