The future of clinical service delivery is not either/or

As healthcare continues to evolve and adapt, it has become clear that clinical service delivery in human services organizations is not a one-size-fits-all. In order to best meet community needs, organizations will need to adopt a “ready to pivot” attitude and a mix of in-person, hybrid and virtual services. The long-term vision must be person-centered, with approaches based on individual need and access to care.

In this collaborative whitepaper, Netsmart and OPEN MINDS take a look at the changing human services market in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It may not be possible to say with certainty what a post-COVID-19 human services organization will look like, but it is possible to look to those adopting innovative technologies and organizational and payment models to get a glimpse of what the future holds for the industry.

Regardless of the paths taken, we can say with certainty it’s essential the future of clinical care delivery is integrated, person-centered and multiple choice.

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