
sites powered by Netsmart

Human Services Icon 


Human Services

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Senior Living

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Home Health and Hospice

As healthcare shifts to an integrated care model, only those providers who can connect to referral sources through a secure network will enjoy a competitive advantage. The old point-to-point integration strategy still used by many EHR vendors will not scale, and puts organizations at risk of being left out of the constantly changing marketplace. By leveraging a technology partner that believes in employing a one to many approach, you can replace faxes and information gaps with automated queries, as well as pull discrete data into a clinical workflows to drive efficiencies and outcomes. With the powerful Netsmart network, clinicians have full visibility to their client’s total health picture and can focus their limited time on what matters most: the individual’s needs.


More than 1,250 hospitals are using the Netsmart network across the U.S., the same number as the Carequality interoperability framework.

6.1m CCDs 
Client Transactions image

More than 6.1 million annual Continuity of Care Documents are transferred between Netsmart clients every year.

More than 92,992,072 annual Netsmart client transactions take place through the Carequality interoperability framework.

Health Care Providers

individual providers

More than 1 million individual providers are part of the Netsmart network, coupled with the Carequality interoperability framework, which includes 600,000 providers.

Organization Icon


The Netsmart network connects more than 91,511 organizations across multiple care venues.

Human Services Story


Post-Acute Story


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Healthcare is a journey.
We can help take you where you want to be.