Tuesday, May 31 | Post-Acute Care, Human Services, EHR Solutions and Operations, Interoperability

Self-care is Like a Box of Chocolates- The Options are Endless

By Tricia Zerger, Senior Director, Human Services Strategy

We all want to bring the best version of ourselves to friends, families and co-workers. But in order to bring our best self to the table, we must first take care of ourselves. In today’s world of ‘go, go, go’ it can be hard or seem selfish to take time for ourselves, but taking this time is imperative for our mental health. We need to first be the best and healthiest version to ourselves before going out and showing the world. Here at Netsmart, we asked associates how they practiced self-care and here were some of the top answers:

  • Spending time with friends and family (including pets)
  • Going on walks
  • Reading
  • Exercising and yoga
  • Tennis
  • Listening to music

Practicing self care doesn’t have to take up an hour of our day, or even 30 minutes. Self care can be as easy as taking 2 minutes for ourselves every day to do whatever helps us feel better. The above examples are all great ways to rewind and refresh. For example, exercising releases endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, otherwise known as the ‘happy’ chemicals. And don’t worry, if you’re like me and hate exercise, a simple walk will do just fine. Exercising doesn’t always have to do with burning calories, gaining muscle or dripping sweat. Like exercising, listening to music also tells the brain to release dopamine and helps in the production of the hormone cortisol, which helps reduce stress.

Find activities that make you happy. It may be one of the options above or something completely different.

As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to an end, get out of your head that self care is selfish, when reality it is one of the most selfless things you can do. Self care should never stop or take a break. It is a lifelong goal and something we all should be aware of. As you can see, there are so many ways to practice self-care. Find the right one for you!






Meet the Author

Tricia Zerger Blog Photo
Tricia Zerger · Senior Director, Human Services Strategy

From the CareThreads Blog

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