Friday, July 13 | Care Coordination, EHR Solutions and Operations, Thought Leadership

The Future of the EHR - Collaborate, Connect, Communicate 

By Netsmart

"Electronic health records will no longer be just a tool to collect and store data. The future of EHR is the backbone of a new collaborative network." – Matthew Arnheiter, Senior Vice President, Innovations, Netsmart

Why and how is the role of electronic health record systems (EHRs) changing? It needs to follow the strategic needs of provider organizations—with strategic advantage going to the low cost, consumer-oriented, value-focused provider.

What does that mean for the future of healthcare IT? OpenMinds CEO Monica Oss shares about the roles that EHRs will take in the future, featuring insights from Netsmart Senior Vice President Matthew Arnheiter. Read more at OpenMinds.




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From the CareThreads Blog

Justice-Involved Initiative: How Providers Can Help Bring Equitable Care

Monday, July 22 | Care Coordination,Human Services,Legislative/Policy

Californians who have spent time in jails, prisons or youth correctional facilities face a higher risk for both physical and mental illness. The number of incarcerated Californians with a mental health diagnosis rose by 63 percent in the last decade, and 66 percent of those currently incarcerated require substance use treatment. But even after their release, overdose is the leading cause of death for Californians who have been justice-involved––at a rate three times higher than other states.

Blog Client Satisfaction Blog Doctor using Netsmart Applications to help Patient

How and When to Analyze & Update Internal & External Medical Clinic Policies

Sunday, July 21 | Partnerships and Collaboration,Thought Leadership

Updating clinic policies and procedures ensures compliance and reduces risks. Learn how to review medical clinic policies and align with best practices.


Emergency Preparedness and Population Health: Understanding Your Data for Mobilization

Friday, July 19 | Care Coordination,Interoperability,Human Services

Rapid and effective crisis response—whether natural disasters, pandemics or other emergencies—can save lives. A modern data strategy, driven by actionable insights, is vital for ensuring sustainability, growth and the acceleration of mission-driven outcomes.
