Tuesday, August 21 | Care Coordination, EHR Solutions and Operations, Post-Acute Care

Flourishing in Post-Acute Care With a Single Unified System

By Netsmart

Regulatory pressures, complex reimbursements and staff shortages in healthcare are not going away. Post-acute care providers need to be nimble and agile enough to easily prove outcomes, measure results and integrate clinical and financial information to succeed in the modern landscape. Having one unified system to manage it all should be on your “must-do” list. Here’s why:
1. It helps create more efficient care transitions.
Transitioning care settings should be smooth and efficient for everyone involved. The right platform consolidates patient information from across care settings into one record, making referrals, admission and intake easier and quicker. It also eliminates manual entry, potential human error or duplication efforts, all of which allows individuals to receive care sooner. And when it comes to the bottom line for patients and providers, time is of the essence.

2. It reduces administrative burdens.
It’s no secret that staffing is a challenge in the post-acute world. To keep and retain top candidates, it’s essential to provide them with tools that allow them to fulfill their roles conveniently and efficiently. Providing staff with a platform that enables communication between teams and roles keeps everyone on the same page and helps them focus less on the administrative side of things and more on what satisfies them most – providing care.

3. It provides robust analytics and population health management.
Leveraging data is priceless and essential to the success of both an organization and the people it serves. A platform that can aggregate information across an organization provides the ability to measure quality, optimize processes and report outcomes that not only help with population health management but also becomes a must to meet requirements of modern payment models.
4. It keeps organizations connected across the healthcare continuum.
To track costs, outcomes and determine value, you need data. And the data must flow within and across all of healthcare. This is where interoperability becomes essential. Being able to connect with providers across multiple settings not only provides you with a full-picture view of an individual but also enables seamless care coordination and care transitions, leading to improved patient care and outcomes while reducing costs.
5. It enables whole-person care.
It’s widely known that when healthcare is pursued with a holistic approach, better outcomes are achieved. A unified platform enables coordination of care between providers and simplifies clinical and financial processes. It can lead to eliminating unproductive workflows that impede delivering care and supports practices that improve both patient and provider experiences.
Bottom line: Achieving positive outcomes and lowering costs by delivering the best care possible is now the way forward in healthcare. Traditional EHRs are no longer enough to support the needs of post-acute care providers. Implementing a unified system that supports patient and provider satisfaction specifically for your care community isn’t just a suggestion – it’s now a requirement for providers that wish to remain competitive and relevant in today’s data-driven world.
Ready to learn more? Click here to dive deeper and find out more about how a single unified platform can help your post-acute organization thrive.




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Netsmart ·

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