Friday, September 21 | Cause Connected, Human Services

Finding the Courage to Ask

By Netsmart

We hear about suicide’s prevalence, but often don’t discuss it. It’s therefore reasonable for us to have uncertainty and discomfort around confronting the topic. Where this becomes incredibly problematic is when we believe someone is experiencing thoughts of suicide, and we don’t address it. While suicide is an incredibly sensitive topic, not intervening when you have concern is the worst thing you can do.

We need to make it a priority to become more comfortable openly discussing suicide. Sometimes engaging in a conversation is exactly what someone needs to reevaluate their situation. Head over to NetsmartLife to learn how to properly ask someone if they’re suicidal. We’ll walk you through your role in the conversation, provide questions you can use to further the discussion and helpful resources. Everyone plays a role in suicide prevention.

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Netsmart ·

Solutions and Services

From the CareThreads Blog

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