Monday, March 26 | Partnerships and Collaboration, Post-Acute Care, Human Services

Dr. Dan Reidenberg Empowers Front Line Nurses with Mental Health and Suicide Facts

By Netsmart

Suicide. It’s a scary word. It’s also a serious public health issue. As the 10thleading cause of death in the U.S., it can affect anyone regardless of age, race, gender or background; it doesn’t discriminate. Every 30 seconds, an individual attempts to take his or her own life. Every 11 minutes, an individual dies of suicide.

Mental health and suicide prevention expert Dr. Dan Reidenberg will be addressing attendees at the Nursing Council on April 8 as part of the events at CONNECTIONS2018. During his presentation, Dr. Reidenberg will lay the groundwork and foundation for what we know and what we have yet to learn about suicide.

Dr. Reidenberg will also discuss the unique opportunities that nurses in various healthcare settings have to identify, influence and prevent suicide. There will be a focus on identifying factors and assessing suicide risk among both youth and adults as well as ways to approach the topic of suicide with patients – how to ask the right questions and how to appropriately react and respond.

Nurses have tremendous power to be that beacon of hope for patients and families that have attempted suicide or those that are dealing with the grief and heartbreak of losing a loved one to suicide. That’s why it’s important for nursing professionals, and anyone else in the healthcare industry, to understand the magnitude of the problem and how their role plays a part in prevention.

If you haven’t registered for the Nursing Council at CONNECTIONS2018 in Phoenix, click here to learn more about Dr. Reidenberg and our other presenters.

About Dr. Reidenberg

Dr. Reidenberg is the Executive Director of Suicide Awareness Voices of Education, Managing Director of the National Council for Suicide Prevention and is on the Executive Board of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. He also serves as Co-Chair of the International Media and Suicide Task Force and serves on multiple review boards. In addition to many major media appearances for his expertise in suicide education and prevention, Dr. Reidenberg is also well published on the topic and has been recognized with numerous industry awards including the Best Doctor’s Award spanning 2013 -2017.




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Netsmart ·

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